Our Pilates Classes and private 1:2:1 sessions are now closed in line with the government’s advice of social isolation. With the rise of technology and the use of video conferencing we are lucky enough to provide you classes in the comfort of your own home using live streaming.
At this current time, it is so important to look after our physical, mental and emotional well-being. With a lot of people working from home and our posture suffering from these changes too having to home schooling your children and the stresses that come with uncertainty; S-Pilates Physio-led classes are here to help to maintain a strong sense of centre and balance. Every workout will leave you feeling revitalised and moving with ease.
Online Group Pilates classes
See monthly timetable below.
- Tuesday 8pm to 9pm
- Thursday 7pm to 8pm
- Friday 12-12.30pm
What to expect from a online S-Pilates class?
- Experienced guidance from a Physiotherapist instructor with Pilates qualifications
- Full warm up and cool down section
- Mat based exercises
- Key elements taught to improve your posture
- Exercises modified to appropriate levels for individuals
- Fun and relaxing atmosphere
What you need?
- A laptop/iPad
- A Pilates/yoga mat (if you don’t have this then doing the exercises on a rug or carpet will be fine)
- A hand towel
- Two light weights (0.5kg/1kg Dumbbells or 2 tins e.g. can of baked beans or tinned tomato’s)
- A cushion – ideally a square shaped cushion (sofa cushion)
- Other equipment that you might need you will be told before the class – don’t worry all the equipment you need will be things you can find in your own home
How do you book onto a class?
Please email or WhatsApp Sonal (07727136550) by latest the morning of the class to let us know which class you would like to join.
How to pay for the online class?
- Please complete a bank transfer 30 minutes prior to the class starting.
- The bank details are below:
S-Physiotherapy Ltd
Sort code: 52-10-33
Account number: 14200007
Reference: your name and date. E.g. SThakrar300320
Prices per class: £7
Prices for monthly booking: £35
*Monthly booking includes access to all 3 live classes and the Pilates Library*
How do you join the online classes?
We will be using ‘Zoom Cloud Meetings’ to conduct the classes. The link below will tell you how to join the meeting.
Please note that is you are logging in from your iPhone/iPad/android you will need to download the ‘Zoom Cloud Meeting’ Application. If you click the link above and scroll down you will find information about how to join from your device.
When the meeting link is sent via email you will also be sent a ‘Meeting ID’ and ‘Password’ to use to join the meeting.

* Some top tips
- Please can you make sure you join the class 5-10 minutes prior to the start to make sure that everything is set up and working.
- If you have any new injuries or changes to your health please either private message me or join the class 5 minutes earlier to let me know. This will enable me to adapt exercises during the session for specific needs.
- Once everyone has joined the class, I will mute everyone so that you will only be able to hear me and have my screen as your focus point.
- To make sure that it is only be on the screen – if you hover in the top right corner of your screen you will need to press ‘speaker view’